How old am I today ? If you're looking to find out precisely how old you are , we can use mathematical calculation to determine or by using the calculator . With the age calculator which is available online, you are able to discover the number of years, months in, weeks, days and hours have passed since the time you were born. If you are aware of the date of your birth, simply enter it into the second column to get a more precise result. You might, in particular, want to know: How old was I when I was born on that date? If you're looking to find out the date you were born on one particular date in history, or to know how old you'll be at an upcoming date We've got you covered. Simply make use of our " Age at Date ' option to enter any date, either in the past or the near future. We will then calculate the age. calculator will then generate calculations based on that date. Calculating your age Age can be calculated by finding the differen...